Speculation on Mary as a Trickster
An American professor is describing his atheism to a Mexicanwho is attempting to understand his faith. Suddenly there is agleam of understanding in the eyes of the senora. "
We know that you do not believe in Jesus,"
she said with a look of sympathy, "
but surely you must believe in the Virgin of Guadalupe!"
~ Virgin of Guadalupe Goddess of the Americas,Patrice Wynne
There aren’t many female aspects of the Trickster. But I wonder if Marianapparitions can’t be considered a female version of Trickstermanifestation.If we accept that Marian apparitions are a paranormal/anomalous (and notreligious) phenomeana, and often within the context of UFOs, and that theTrickster is an innate part of paranormal, UFO phenomena, then it isn’ttoo outlandish to consider the symbol of the “Virgin” Mary as a Trickster.Demetria Martinez, in a short piece on her relation to the image of theVirgin of Guadalupe, considers Mary a “sacred Trickster”: Guadalupe, thatsacred trickster who -- faithful to her Aztec predecessor -- appeared onthe hill where Tonantzin, the corn goddess, was worshipped by Nahuatl-speaking people ~ Brown paper and a candle - author turns to Our Lady of Guadalupe for inspiration and support - (National Catholic Reporter,Demetria Martinez, September 2000)I’ve often been struck by the irony of the Catholic Church cracking downon both those church members who believe appearances of Mary is a partof their religious experience, as well as the Marian Apparitionalphenomena itself. It’s clear there is an entire political agenda present inthe church’s stance on maintain power in contrast to the appearances of adeity that seems, whether intentionally or as a byproduct, to mock thechurch’s position.In this way, these apparitions of Mary could be seen as a manifestation of